Friday, February 24, 2012


Well we are experiencing slushing. And Yes that is a word it did not rain last night nor did it snow. It slushed and it is still slushing. Not sure which I don't like diving in more snow or slush. Now if this keeps up March will come in like a lion but we are all so ready for spring. Well according to the weather network it looks like this weather is going to hang around for the next week. YUCK YUCKY and more YUCK!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wild Life

Now we have heard of nuisance bears but in this town and reserve there are nuisance cougars spotted and no I don't mean the old lady variety that go for a lot younger man I mean the cat variety. Yesterday there was one near the entrance to the reserve stalking someone walking from town to the reserve. He had headphones on and three dogs with him. The dogs were barking like crazy at something behind him. He eventually looked behind him and he said the cougar was looking like it was getting ready to attack. He took off running in one direction and 2 of the dogs went with him the other went in the other direction. He said that he looked back just to see the cougar trip and grab the one dog and go off into the bush with it. We are all told to stay indoors and go out only if needed. Conservation officers were called and they did shoot the young cougar once it was found. But there are still at least 2 more around. They have seen prints of different sized cougars in the area and in town. How scary. I guess I really don't want to go walking by myself right now. Hopefully the others will soon move on. But with so many little animals (dogs and cats included) they may not want to.

February 8 2012

Well it seems like this little town of Gold River BC is falling apart at the seams. Last year the only bank pulled out of town, then at the end of December one of the little galleries where local artist could put things for sale (Haven Gallery) closed it's doors. Now Fields and the hair salon are closing their doors as early as the end of the month. Add to that yesterday morning a fire gutted the China House restaurant closing not only the restaurant but due to water damage from fighting the fire it closed the only insurance company, the video store and the Gold River Deli. Eventually hopefully those businesses will be able to reopen. One of the other restaurants is closed at the moment until they get the fan above the ovens fixed. It seems all the businesses in town are struggling and walking a fine line to stay open and the economy is tough right now here and has been for years. It sounds like the economy here has been tough around here since the mill shut down in 1999. There has been talk of an energy plant being built and opened on the old mill site creating some jobs. But no one is holding their breath that that will happen as I have been here 4.5 years and heard about it when I first moved here and apparently it has been 10 + years since there was talk of the plant being built so at this point I think most people are disappointed and don't expect it to ever be built. Homes here are still cheap to buy but it takes years to actually sell. If the energy plant does get built maybe those homes will actually sell. It would seem that this town may become more of a ghost town than it already is. There is about 1400 people living in the area which includes the reserve 4 km out of town. I can see people leaving to find work else where.