Sunday, June 30, 2013

New Adventure

Well it is time for a new adventure. After 6 years working on the wild west coast of Vancouver Island I am off for a new adventure. Right now I don't know what that is so my stuff is in storage while I try and find the new job. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Photos taken at a health fair out in Zeballos. Put on by Ehattesaht.

NIHB Table
Kids learning CPR
Rhonda learning to salute
Kids interested in knowing their random blood sugars
Even the RCMP got their Glucose checked
Not sure if Steven is really afraid of needles or not but his auntie was on hand to hold his hand.

Even the paramedics came to get checked to bad Sue was feeling horrible also.....
Some tables were more of a hit than others.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Gold River Days 2013

Okay it was a little wet today for a parade but it was short and good.  Theme this year Medieval


The two photos below are of the Northgate church entry. 

The Boat is the entry from the Lodge at Gold River

The next are a few of the old cars that came out.... 

Monday, April 15, 2013


Starfish I noticed from the dock at Kyuquot.
The following photos of the rugged coast of the island.


 The Reserve side of Kyuquot from the air.
 Reserve from the ground
The non Reserve community of Kyuquot.


Friendly Cove from the air.
Above, the red roof is the church and the house at the bottom of the photo is where the only family who lives there full time lives.
Above is the light house at friendly cove.

Tigh-Na-Mara in Parksville

Tigh-na-mara Hotel in Parksville

At 1 pm this is what the tide looked like

At 4 pm this is what the tide looked like rough view.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


 In over 5.5 years of working where I do I have never seen a Wolf but did see this guy just the other day....

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Feb. 20 2013

Well we had a teaser of a spring yesterday it was sunny and blue sky.  Today well winter seems to be back it snowing and sticking.  yuck..... Can we have a snow day???????

Thursday, January 31, 2013

one more reserve

There are 4 First Nation communities in the region I work and for 5 years I have only been going to 3 of them.  VIHA was taking care of the fourth.  Well near the end of last year the fourth was added to my work load, maybe partly as we had no RN doing home care for the region just me.  So I have been out twice so far to the new community.  We now have an RN working in the region so we will how long I will remain going out to all 4 communities.  It in theory could be taken away from me again. 

End Of Janunary

Well it's the end of January and we still have snow on the ground from December's big snow dump.  Another month of possible big dumps then maybe it any snow won't be too bad.  I really like rain........

Friday, January 18, 2013

Christmas Break 2

 This is Campbell River side of the road from Gold River to Campbell River. Did I mention I hate driving in this.

Christmas Break

 These photos were taken the day I left Gold River for Victoria Dec 15 2012 for Christmas break. Both these photos were on Gold River side of the road.