Friday, May 17, 2013

Photos taken at a health fair out in Zeballos. Put on by Ehattesaht.

NIHB Table
Kids learning CPR
Rhonda learning to salute
Kids interested in knowing their random blood sugars
Even the RCMP got their Glucose checked
Not sure if Steven is really afraid of needles or not but his auntie was on hand to hold his hand.

Even the paramedics came to get checked to bad Sue was feeling horrible also.....
Some tables were more of a hit than others.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Gold River Days 2013

Okay it was a little wet today for a parade but it was short and good.  Theme this year Medieval


The two photos below are of the Northgate church entry. 

The Boat is the entry from the Lodge at Gold River

The next are a few of the old cars that came out....