Wednesday, December 5, 2012
I guess since this is our first sign on the ground that winter is coming I should not complain to much as it was only a skiff of snow. Maybe and inch if you found a deep enough spot. But yuck yuck and more yuck.
Christmas Lunch 2012
Christmas Lunch for NTC staff. Yes we were having way to much fun.....
Jacklynn and me
Some of the home care nurses. We gave this to our supervisor.
Some more crazy nurses
Monday, November 19, 2012
Well it looks we are kind of stuck in Gold River. There is a logging road if you know where you are going.
The Buzz just received a call from the Nootka Sound RCMP to advise that Highway 28 is closed due to a serious washout at Forbes Landing (Campbell River side).
The Buzz just received a call from the Nootka Sound RCMP to advise that Highway 28 is closed due to a serious washout at Forbes Landing (Campbell River side).
There is currently no estimation on when the road will be re-opened.
I will update as I receive info from the RCMP.
Update (10:20am): Nootka Sound RCMP advises that the road has collapsed, and can be expected to be closed for the rest of the day at minimum. For updated information, you can check the DriveBC website, or call 1-866-353-3136
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
September 10, 2012
Well it started to rain yesterday at lunch and it seemed to stop by dinner then it must of started again in the night but had quit by morning. Our ground really needed the rain. Hopefully it helped with the fire burning in Strathcona Park which started I think over a week ago from a lighting strike and due to the location, fire crews can't get to it.
Talking about fire. Apparently the road from Gold River to Campbell River was closed yesterday due to a house fire near Strathcona Lodge. Crews did respond to that one and hopefully it's out and the road is open again. Good thing I did not try and go to town yesterday I may not have made it that way or home again. (I went the day before)
Talking about fire. Apparently the road from Gold River to Campbell River was closed yesterday due to a house fire near Strathcona Lodge. Crews did respond to that one and hopefully it's out and the road is open again. Good thing I did not try and go to town yesterday I may not have made it that way or home again. (I went the day before)
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Long Weekend
Well its the long weekend in September and I have to work on Tuesday. I was off for a week now back to the grind of work. Where did the summer go? Days are still warm but the nights getting cool.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Out Everyone Out
Well after almost an hour of work this morning we were evacuated with 911 called because of a possible propane leak. The fire department came and shut off the propane; ventilated the building and almost 2 hrs later we were back inside working. We now have no propane on so no hot water at work but it could be worse. We could have had an explosion. Yes we were talking about if the tanks blew up how safe were we really standing outside at the big house about 100 meters from our building......?????
Friday, July 13, 2012
July 13 - Thrive Unite weekend
Okay so there ended up being ice bergs in the rivers around Gold River this week. Okay they were the crazy freezing people variety who thought jumping in the river was a good idea. (It was really :) )
It's is also Thrive Unite weekend. All the Northgate campuses are getting together in Gold River. At least the youth are. But leaders seem to be dropping like flies. With illness. Hope all goes well.
It's is also Thrive Unite weekend. All the Northgate campuses are getting together in Gold River. At least the youth are. But leaders seem to be dropping like flies. With illness. Hope all goes well.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
July 10
Well I guess summer is here. The other day at about 1230ish pm the temperature was 24 degrees which feels nice and hot. A few of are even thinking about going and jumping into rivers or a lake even if they still fill like ice burgs should be floating in them. Our theory it will feel soooooooo good and help us cool off and sleep at night.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
July 3 2012
Well the long weekend has come and gone. The ball tournament is over and I didn't get burnt. Okay that could be because it was over cast all weekend and raining yesterday. Now its July 3 and it is still pouring rain. We have all brought out the winter jackets again that's if they were ever put away in the first place.
I thought summer was to be warm-hot with sunshine.. Where is all this cold damp weather coming from. May long weekend was so nice we are hoping that that was not our only snippet of summer.
I thought summer was to be warm-hot with sunshine.. Where is all this cold damp weather coming from. May long weekend was so nice we are hoping that that was not our only snippet of summer.
Friday, June 1, 2012
June 1 2012
Well I'm up for another busy weekend. (not really I'm Exhausted) After work tonight I have time for a quick dinner then off to grad there are two teens from the church graduating. Then home for some laundry then a quick nap then up to be ready to go at 3 am to man check point 2 for the Great Walk. The Great Walk is a 61 ish KM walk from Gold River to Tahsis. I think it also counts as an ultra marathon as some poor fools run it. It should hopefully be good. The road to Tahsis will be closed 4 am - 8 pm I don't think we need to be at check point 2 the whole time I think once the last walker is past us we can leave so who knows what time we will be done and able to have another nap.
Also there is a wedding at the Big House here at Tsaxana and everyone is invited. I may come out to it depending on what time it starts and what time we finish with the Great Walk and how exhausted I really end up being.
Also there is a wedding at the Big House here at Tsaxana and everyone is invited. I may come out to it depending on what time it starts and what time we finish with the Great Walk and how exhausted I really end up being.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Gold River Days
Well last weekend was Gold River Days with a western theme. It was a great weekend for the event. It was sunny and hot and most of the town seemed to come out to it. Friday night started with "Gold Rivers Got Talent". A lot of singing and dancing took place. There was a 5 km fun run although I'm not sure if fun and run should be in the same sentence. Saturday started with a free pancake breakfast at 8 am, parade at 11 then the party in the park for the rest of the day. Free BBQ, bounce-a-ramas, dunk tank and soooooo much more. There were more than a few burns that day but all in all I think everyone had fun and it exhausted the kids so parents would be happy.
Monday, May 7, 2012
So its spring now and by afternoon it does seem like spring. But first thing in the morning especially after nights of rain there is fresh snow on the mountain tops. Yes you read that right I did type in SNOW.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Well the flight yesterday was soooooooooooooooo bumpy and rough. The rain was coming straight across the sky not falling straight down. It felt like the pilot was fighting the plane or at least the wind effects on the plane. But he was able to land on the ocean versus the river. So much for nice weather. One does not know what turbulence in a plane is until they have felt it in a small float plane. Especially since on a rough flight you feel more like a rag doll then a person sometimes.
Mind you on a nice day the scenery is beautiful and I would recommend the flight to people but if its bumpy its bumpy.
Mind you on a nice day the scenery is beautiful and I would recommend the flight to people but if its bumpy its bumpy.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
We will see
Okay March came in like a lamb I expect it to go out like a lion. But with all the snow we had last week at the beginning of spring I hope that is the end of the snow for this season. It is raining like crazy today so I don't mind too much but hopefully it won't cause flooding.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
This Spring?
So this is what spring looks like hey? The calender says second day of spring but I think the weather forgot to check it out.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
The calendar says that today is the first day of spring. But it is not very springy out. In fact it is very wintery out with the wet snow falling.....
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
more photos
Below the open ocean
Out toward Friendly Cove you can make out a white mark if you know what to look for....which is the light house.
Mountain tops
Just some random shots of the snowy mountain peaks. They seem to go on forever. Who would have thought the island was sooooo hilly.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Well seeing that its march 1st and so far its a nice day I take it that march came in like a lamb..... Which means it will go out like a lion and we don't want any more crappy weather!!!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Well we are experiencing slushing. And Yes that is a word it did not rain last night nor did it snow. It slushed and it is still slushing. Not sure which I don't like diving in more snow or slush. Now if this keeps up March will come in like a lion but we are all so ready for spring. Well according to the weather network it looks like this weather is going to hang around for the next week. YUCK YUCKY and more YUCK!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Wild Life
Now we have heard of nuisance bears but in this town and reserve there are nuisance cougars spotted and no I don't mean the old lady variety that go for a lot younger man I mean the cat variety. Yesterday there was one near the entrance to the reserve stalking someone walking from town to the reserve. He had headphones on and three dogs with him. The dogs were barking like crazy at something behind him. He eventually looked behind him and he said the cougar was looking like it was getting ready to attack. He took off running in one direction and 2 of the dogs went with him the other went in the other direction. He said that he looked back just to see the cougar trip and grab the one dog and go off into the bush with it. We are all told to stay indoors and go out only if needed. Conservation officers were called and they did shoot the young cougar once it was found. But there are still at least 2 more around. They have seen prints of different sized cougars in the area and in town. How scary. I guess I really don't want to go walking by myself right now. Hopefully the others will soon move on. But with so many little animals (dogs and cats included) they may not want to.
February 8 2012
Well it seems like this little town of Gold River BC is falling apart at the seams. Last year the only bank pulled out of town, then at the end of December one of the little galleries where local artist could put things for sale (Haven Gallery) closed it's doors. Now Fields and the hair salon are closing their doors as early as the end of the month. Add to that yesterday morning a fire gutted the China House restaurant closing not only the restaurant but due to water damage from fighting the fire it closed the only insurance company, the video store and the Gold River Deli. Eventually hopefully those businesses will be able to reopen. One of the other restaurants is closed at the moment until they get the fan above the ovens fixed. It seems all the businesses in town are struggling and walking a fine line to stay open and the economy is tough right now here and has been for years. It sounds like the economy here has been tough around here since the mill shut down in 1999. There has been talk of an energy plant being built and opened on the old mill site creating some jobs. But no one is holding their breath that that will happen as I have been here 4.5 years and heard about it when I first moved here and apparently it has been 10 + years since there was talk of the plant being built so at this point I think most people are disappointed and don't expect it to ever be built. Homes here are still cheap to buy but it takes years to actually sell. If the energy plant does get built maybe those homes will actually sell. It would seem that this town may become more of a ghost town than it already is. There is about 1400 people living in the area which includes the reserve 4 km out of town. I can see people leaving to find work else where.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
January 2012
Well it's a new year. I hopefully will be able to do more posts this year than I did last year at least that is my goal right now for the year. So we will see if that happens.
Today is our first day back to work after two weeks off over Christmas break. The time seemed to fly way too quickly. It has been a very rainy start to the year but on the first it did smell like it was going to snow. Thankfully it did not. I will take the rain any day. You don't need to shovel rain.
Today is our first day back to work after two weeks off over Christmas break. The time seemed to fly way too quickly. It has been a very rainy start to the year but on the first it did smell like it was going to snow. Thankfully it did not. I will take the rain any day. You don't need to shovel rain.
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